Wound Care for Pets

Injuries to our pets can come from unexpected sources just as often as those we worry about. When a wound occurs, healing has many paths that your veterinarian can take,

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Pain Control for Pet Rabbits

We know that rabbits have the same neurophysiological mechanisms as humans to produce pain and therefore have the capacity to feel pain in the same manner as ourselves. Often, rabbits

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Nicotine Poisoning in Pets

Everyone knows the Surgeon General’s warning about cigarette smoking but what about cigarette eating? Nicotine poisoning is a real concern anywhere that a pet may find cigarettes, cigarette butts, chewing tobacco, nicotine

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Nutrition for Small Mammals

A variety of small mammals such as hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, chinchillas and ferrets are commonly kept as household pets for adults and children alike. These pets

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Nutrition for Ferrets

A ferret is an obligate carnivore, and must eat appropriately for the species to maintain health. Adult ferrets have 34 teeth. Ferrets have a very short intestinal tract; the GI

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Mouse and Rat Care

People envision many different things when thinking about rats and mice. Some consider them as vermin or pests, many envision laboratory specimens, others think of them as snake food, while

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Myxomatosis in Rabbits

What is Myxomatosis? Myxomatosis is a contagious and deadly viral disease of wild European and pet rabbits. Its fatality rate can be devastating, reaching nearly 100% in some cases. Ultimately,

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