What is fur-mowing? In short, the cat is licking off all his hair. Often the belly is nearly as bald as if it were shaved. Sometimes a Mohawk of normal
A general physical examination involves an inspection of the teeth and mouth, provided that the patient is of a cooperative nature. We see plaque build-up, tartar, missing teeth, and all
Cats retain many behaviors of their wild ancestors. As predators, they have strength, agility, speed, and keen senses to catch prey effectively. Owners can help their feline friends express these
We have all heard of breast cancer in women. With approximately one woman in eight or nine falling victim to this form of cancer, there are awareness campaigns from numerous
Notoedric mange is the scabby, scaly, skin disease resulting from infection by the feline mite Notoedres cati. Notoedres mites are closely related to sarcoptic mange mites of dogs and thus the two infections have some
What are Myeloma-related Disorders? Myeloma is a type of cancer that affects plasma cells. Plasma cells are specialized lymphocytes, i.e. they are part of the white blood cell group and
Manx Syndrome in Cats Manx syndrome (sacrocaudal dysgenesis, sacrocaudal agenesis) is an array of problems involving the function of the hind legs, urinary bladder, and colon of a tailless cat.
Lymphoma is, at this time, the most common malignancy of cats, accounting for as much as 30 percent of all feline cancers. Luckily, it is just as responsive to medication
Toxoplasmosis is the name of the clinical disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. It is most often associated with cats but can infect all warm-blooded species including humans. It is
Coping with an itchy cat can be an extremely frustrating experience for you, the pet owner, and can truly test the limits of the human-animal bond. Persistent scratching and chewing