Mealtime Enrichment for Cats

Cats retain many behaviors of their wild ancestors. As predators, they have strength, agility, speed, and keen senses to catch prey effectively. Owners can help their feline friends express these

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Mammary Tumors in Cats

We have all heard of breast cancer in women. With approximately one woman in eight or nine falling victim to this form of cancer, there are awareness campaigns from numerous

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Manx Syndrome in Cats  

Manx Syndrome in Cats Manx syndrome (sacrocaudal dysgenesis, sacrocaudal agenesis) is an array of problems involving the function of the hind legs, urinary bladder, and colon of a tailless cat.

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Lymphoma in Cats 

Lymphoma is, at this time, the most common malignancy of cats, accounting for as much as 30 percent of all feline cancers. Luckily, it is just as responsive to medication

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